What does Teachings cost

IS there a DSM diagnosis and do you want to declare it through your insurer? Then we speak of insured care. There is always a referral from your doctor before you can contact me.

For the insurers Caresq, Zilveren Kruis, DSW, I declare an ASR directly to your insurer for you. The rate per consultation depends, among other things, on the duration of the consultation and the insurer. In the declaration overview of your insurer you can see which consultations, with which duration have been declared. For all other insurers (VGZ, CZ, Menzis) I will send you a monthly bill that you declare with your insurer. You will be reimbursed for the most part depending on your policy. It is best to contact your insurer for this.

My rates (for insurers with which I do not have a contract) are:

An individual (treatment) consultation of 60 minutes costs € 110
A brief individual (treatment) consultation of (30 minutes) costs € 60
An individual (treatment) consultation of 90 minutes costs € 175,-
An individual (diagnostics) consultation of 60 minutes costs € 130
A brief individual (diagnostics) consultation of 30 minutes costs € 75,-
An individual (diagnostics) consultation of 90 minutes costs € 200,-


If your complaints are too mild or have no DSM diagnosis, they will not be reimbursed by your insurer. You can still contact me, but you must then pay for your therapy YOURSELF. Even if you have heavier complaints, but do not want the health insurer or your doctor to be aware of your treatment, you can choose a treatment that you then pay YOURSELF. You will then receive a bill from me every month. The rate for this is € 100 per conversation (about 50 minutes)

Sometimes an employer reimburses these types of trajectories.